6 Tips To Maintain Long-Lasting Brick Masonry
Brick exteriors are so versatile. The trick to long-lasting brick masonry that stays beautiful for years is to keep up with the appropriate maintenance.
Leak Resolution & Waterproofing are simple processes that depend on the structure of a chimney. They include chimney cleaning, chimney leak repairs, or the application of waterproof components.
Several internal parts of the chimney get rotten and damaged due to water. Unfortunately, it is a common problem for many. The damaged parts of the chimney are removed to install the new water barrier, siding, and trim.
If your chimney has a water issue, you will notice the below signs:
If you notice these signs of Chimney Leaks and still avoid them, we want to inform you that they will cause severe damage in the future. So, it will be better to prevent yourself from expensive repairs and rebuilds by immediately having professional chimney leak repairs.
Smoky Sweeper has a team of professional Chimney leak resolution experts. When you call us for chimney repairs, our team carefully inspects the chimney to locate the leaking part.
Only the experts can detect the real culprit of the leaking issue and perform chimney leak repairs.
Our reliable chimney leak resolution & waterproofing services have satisfied our customers for years. So, before it is too late, contact our team to inspect your chimney for any required replacements and cleaning.
Why should you Waterproof your Chimney?
Keeping your chimney safe and waterproof is a good habit. Get the best Chimney Leak Resolution & Waterproofing in Houston, TX by Smoky Sweeper. We exclusively use ChimneySaver to waterproof the masonry fireplace.
Are you wondering what Chimney Saver is?
Well, it is a spray-like breathable waterproofing substance. When we spray this on the chimney, it helps stop any leaks. In addition, this waterproofing substance penetrates masonry to protect it from destructive water penetration.
According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), an annual inspection of chimneys is essential. So, whenever you call a Chimney technician, do not forget to inspect your chimney’s internal surfaces.
Get your chimney waterproofed instantly with the best chimney services in Houston, Texas.
If your chimney has water leakages, book an appointment with Smoky Sweeper today for the best chimney leak repairs!
First, you will need to understand who to call for chimney leak?
Chimney leak repairs are performed with the proper techniques, and the process can last longer. When you look for chimney leak repair near me, the professionals will come to inspect the water leak problem. They will adequately check the areas that are exposed to draining and rainwater.
The experts utilize the techniques for chimney leak repairs according to the defects and examine how water interacts with them.
If there are cracks in the chimney crown, you’ll be charged between $220 and $2,000 to replace the chimney crown.
However, the problem in flashing shows leaks chimney, and for resealing the flashing around your chimney, you will be charged from $150 -$425 depending on the size of the chimney, chimney type, flashing material, and roof type.
Generally, chimney leaks in heavy rain due to the heavy water flow. There are multiple reasons why your chimney might be leaking. Some reasons include damaged chimney covers, worn-out brick and mortar joints, or weak flashing.
Whatever the case, you can have chimney leak repairs with Smoky Sweeper to get your chimney to proper working condition. If you do not know precisely where your chimney leak is, we can inspect and fix chimney leak repairs.
The most common issue why you need to call for chimney leak repairs is physical damage or wear and tear to the chimney. The portion of your chimney that extends outside your home faces near constant exposure to the elements, including rain, snow, high wind, and sun exposure. That’s where you will need professional chimney leak repairs in Houston.